Friday, July 18, 2014

Why Harry Potter can blast Twilight into the Stratosphere

Why Harry Potter is better than Twilight

1.       Harry Potter and Twilight influence their fans in different ways. For example, Potterheads take care in what their decisions are, rather than what I’ve noticed in Twihards, who base decisions on materialistic needs. You can see that HP Fans read all sorts of other books, as long as they are interesting, creative, and original. Twilight Fans, to me, just seem to choose their books based on how attractive the characters are.
2.       Harry Potter can appeal to a wide variety of audiences. While Twilight is mainly read by teenagers, Harry Potter can be read by little kids, teenagers, and adults. Each time you read it, you get a better perception of the book, you understand it better, and it stops just being a story- you can apply lessons taught in the book to your day to day life.        However, Twilight remains the same, overemotional love story.
3.       The Harry Potter characters experience a wide variety of emotions. Some of them are good, and some of them are not. The Twilight characters only feel love and confusion.
4.       Harry Potter is not concentrated on a love triangle. HP Fans don’t care whether Hermione will ‘get’ Harry or Ron, because that’s not the point of the story.
5.       There is a well thought out plot in Harry Potter.  The characters in Harry Potter are complex, and have a set a morals that would like to follow, but, like many people, they don’t always succeed in doing so. The fact that the characters are unpredictable leads to excitement and suspense, rather than boredom.
6.       Fans of Harry Potter tend to be more politically active and are usually opposed to torture, because these are things that they have experienced through the books. As far as I can see, Twilight fans tend to be more materialistic, and will most likely choose a partner based on their physical attractiveness, rather than their personality.
7.       JKR teaches the readers of Harry Potter to appreciate linguistics. She incorporates Latin and French into her book, as well as clever details for the readers to find. For example, ‘Voldemort’ means “flight from death”.
8.       Harry Potter has inspiring female role models. The only argument for Bella that I can find is that she ‘can teach people to hold on to friendships’ and ‘keep their secrets.’ Characters like Hermione, Ginny, and Luna suffer from very real emotional struggles apart from being separated from their love (that too). They teach girls to be smart, be cool, and be yourself, without worrying what society thinks of you. The best part is that all these girls are very girly. Usually, when you see a ‘female rebel,’ they have adopted some sorts of masculinity. The girls in Harry Potter are not like that, yet they are very good role models.
9.       JK Rowling herself is an inspirational icon. First of all, she showed that a rags – to – riches story is possible. She went from being homeless to a billionaire. But she also demonstrates perseverance. ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone’ was rejected nearly sixteen times before being published. Lastly, after being the first person to acquire more than a million dollars from writing books, she donated so much money to charity that she lost her billionaire ‘status’. What did Stephanie Meyer do again?
10.   Lastly, this is what I’ve noticed. Harry Potter fans tend to be much, much smarter than Twilight fans. And no, I’m not just saying this because I’m a Potterhead. I have evidence. Every single ‘Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter’ I’ve come across is filled with rubbish from people who haven’t read the books, accusing JKR of ‘stealing’ the surname Black from Stephanie Meyer, blatantly disregarding the fact that Harry Potter was published years before Twilight. They say that ‘I didn’t even know who the author of Harry Potter was until five minutes ago so she can’t be that famous.’ Every single post I’ve come across is poorly written by people with screenames like ‘CullenBabe1202’ and ‘teamJac0B4EVA!’

Conclusion: If you can’t judge a book by its cover, judge a book by the people who read it. Harry Potter is clearly a win. 

Comments on 'Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter'

 The Link to what I'm commenting on.

This article was titled: “3000 reasons why Twilight is better than Harry Potter” First of all, I only see 27 reasons. Second of all… what goes on in your boring little mind?

1-     the writing is better 
Yes, definitely. Everyone loves to read repetitive adjectives and entire chapters dedicated to how Bella chooses her shirt for the day.

2- the actors/actresses who film the movie are talented 
Apparently Kristen Stewarts’ jaw dropping ability to stare and grunt for hours on end is award winning material. So much more talented than, say, Emma Watson…

3- bella is a role model (she teaches people to hold on to their friendships and stuff and keep their secrets) 
Because every girl’s role model should be a seventeen year old that is madly in love with a pedophile. (Don’t forget: she can teach people to hold on to friendships and stuff)

4-it has a PLOT!! 
Hmmm…. my brain must have skimmed over that. Too bad a teenage wizard having to defeat the greatest Dark Wizard of all time isn’t a plot. Come on, JKR!

5-the scenes in the movies are exciting 
Yes, we all enjoy watching a pale boy and a girl with poor judgment stare at each other for multiple hours.

6- the effects are amazing 
Yeah, how did you make Edward so sparkly?

7-a story about a vampire,werewolf, and mortal beats a swinging wand boy and his enemy the beast 
Wait- who’s the beast? THIS ISN’T DISNEY, PEOPLE!

8- the actors and actresses are attached to their character and love them 
Shows how much they know.

9-the characters are not all good or all evil 
So, what you’re saying is that all the characters in Harry Potter are good/evil…?

10-the evil people are villians for a reason like the newborn army in eclipse who almost killed the whole city of seattle or the volturi (they are not evil evil they have some good in them) 
Okay, I have no idea what you are trying to say here but I think that Voldemort gave up his nose for a reason.

11-the characters in twilight are nice and have a great personality and they are hot and cool too (they are lovable for that) 
Wow! They’re hot and cool at the same time?

12-the cover of the books are drawn beautifully 
And while we’re all stuck here with covers featuring ACTUAL scenes from the book, you can have fun with your apple.

13-the posters of the movie looks verrrry cool 

14- creative and great ideas of the vampire form 
I don’t get it. They look the same… but I’m sure they pale in comparison to the Harry Potter characters… ;)

15- you can make your own stories out of the chapters of twilight 
(you can make stories out of harry potter too but twilight turns out better than harry potter) 
Are you talking about fanfictions? Well, then I’m afraid that the WORLD DOESN’T CARE ABOUT WHO BELLA ENDS UP WITH.

16- the phrase twi-hard is cool 
Okay, I have  to give points there… Potterhead isn’t as cool sounding. Or hot. Or lukewarm. Whatever.

17-the mashup name renesmee is so creative 
…I have no comment  for this as I don’t have the slightest idea of what you are talking about.

18- Meyer made the werewolves and vampire unite even though they are enemies to each other 
How do you be enemies to each other?

19-the book is an international bestseller and an award winning book too (chosen by book critiques) 
Oh yes, I’m sorry Harry Potter is no ‘bestseller’.

20-there are lessons you can learn from twilight (the thing u can learn from harry potter is how to do a spell on your friend so he can help u) 
Really? What ‘lessons’ do you speak of? Oh, right- ‘How to chase after a Man’ is such a valuable lesson compared to, say, loyalty, friendship, and wisdom…
21-the emotions are deep in twilight and is a wide imaginative world (unlike wand boy) 
Wide, imaginative world? All I see is Eating Utensils, Washington. (Forks, Spoons, who knows?) While Wand Boy, as you so eloquently suggested, is not imaginative, nor emotionally complex.

22- she replaces small simple words to long big words for people to be more educated not use simple words everyone can understand 
Avada kedavara, filthy mudblood.

23-twilight has a theme of a magical and imaginative world 
Twilight- because wizards are in no way magical.

24- twilight is read by a massive audience 
And that’s why the world has Twilight Theme Parks and a million dollar franchise.

25-the fight scenes are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo amazing and you feel the fight by someway 
Oh yes, much better that a teenage boy and a noseless man pointing sticks at each other and sprouting gibberish.

26-the twilight quotes are really nice written and you feel the creativity in them 
“If you want to know what a man is like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals”
“The truth…it is a beautiful and terrible thing, and therefore must be treated with great caution”
“Don't be self-conscious, if I could dream at all, it would be about you. And I'm not ashamed of it.” 
Sooooo ‘nice written’

27-Meyer left clues for you to know the identity of each and every character 
Bella’s the stupid one, Edward’s the pale one, and Jacob is the buff one.