Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Okay, so this is from one of my videos.

It was originally called 'The Indian B Baller,' but I lumped all together.

Um, yeah.
So a couple of weeks ago I was in gym.

(I'm too nerdy for gym, but it's required... so yeah.)

We had to play basketball. (At this point in the video I showed everyone how bad my aim was using a pair of headphones and a crumpled up sheet of paper.) The point is, my aim is really bad. 

We had to do a warm - up where we dribbled to the end of the court, had three shots at a layup, then dribbled back. So, I figured I would dribble, completely be rotated around an inclined plane for the layup, and dribble back. 

So I did. 

And then my stupid shoe, which is half a size to big, came off. 
And I fell on my face...

Then, I knew I was going to mess up the layup so I didn't even try.

My FIRST layup ever.
Like A Boss.

So... the coach was like 'OH, SHE MADE IT! SHE ACTUALLY MADE IT!' you know, because he figured, if this kid can't even dribble, how can she make a layup?

And I was a bit insulted, but then I realized, I didn't even think I could make a layup!

So, yeah... message:

'Believe that you can do something, and if you can't, watch someone do it and then copy them exactly'

The End.

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