Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Introduction: What the Heck is this Blog About?

Ahhhh.... good question.

Does it really matter? 
Oh wait- It does.

AND, I'm not trying to sound cool or anything, but I don't want to do this. I don't want to slave away at a blog every week if nobody is going to read it. Heck, I'd rather spend my time reading Harry Potter or watching Sherlock. 

BUT the primary purpose of me doing this is about leaving behind something for me. One day, when I'm old and senile, I'm going to go to an antique store with WiFi and search this blog up and laugh over all the stupid things that happened to me. In fact, I'd probably laugh so hard I'd kneel over and die. So maybe that's a bad idea. 

NO, seriously. I use the term 'nerd' lightly. I don't like to study, I'm not extremely smart. But there is one thing that classify all nerds.


Nerds like to demonstrate our integral smartness. Everything else is just a side effect- the studying, the Dr. Who/ Sherlock watching, the John/Hank Green loving... it's all just a side effect of wanting to know things. I'm a 'supposed' nerd because people call me nerd... but I like to know things... I just don't have integral smartness.

SURE, I'm smart, but where I go to school, smart doesn't cut it.

I also happen to be extremely lazy.
Give me a math assignment on something really boring, and it will take hours prodding to get me to do it.
However, leave me in a room with a AP World History textbook, and I will have it nearly memorized in an hour or so.

PS: Both of those examples are true.


Well, basically I'm just going to put stupid stuff that happens to me, basically my videos in print because you can't see my videos because my parents... well... are parents


1 comment:

  1. awesome!! awesome!! awesome!! awesome!! awesome!! awesome!! awesome!! awesome!! awesome!! awesome!! awesome!!
    it is amazing!!!!
